A new craft?

This week there hasn’t been any, stop what your doing and grab your coupons, sales going on.  Which is good because I have an upcoming wedding and birthday party to get ready for.  My daughter’s 8th birthday is coming up and we are having her birthday party next Saturday!  You can see her invitations here.  My husband’s aunt and uncle (almost anyway) are going to get married the end of the month.  They have been together for over twenty years and have one child together.  I actually didn’t know they were not married already until recently.  🙂  So there is a lot going on!!


My grandma and sister’s birthday is coming up next week also.  So I have to make their cards as well as my daughters and then a wedding card, which I should probably make two of since my mother-in-law might ask me to make one for her.  But even though I have played around with what I want to do for all these, I still can’t force myself to sit down and make them.  I have been trying all week and have only completed one, for my grandma.  I think the only reason why I got that one done is because we are having a party for her this evening and I need it.  🙂  and I say I hate waiting until last minute 🙂


The family and I have been busy cleaning up the basement, which it needed so bad!  That is where the hubby and I was doing the building for our shelves for our room.  So we had all these little scrap pieces of wood that I have not let him throw away!  And they have been calling my name all week

“Stacey, come make something out of me…”

Normally I would be down there in a heartbeat but since my injury, see here, wood kinda scares me a little.   There I said it!  They say the first step to solving a problem is admitting you have a problem.  So I had to work myself up to it this week, but I can say I’m very cautious but not fearful any more.  Wanna see what I made????  🙂

SIGNS!!!!  🙂

I have a love for signs.  If you follow me on Pinterest you will know I have a board of nothing but quotes/signs.  It would be a much bigger board if I pinned every sign or quote I liked, but I have tried to keep it down to what I would like to make or one day have.



I have a friend that is so wonderful.  Whenever I make something that I don’t think is really that good she is there to give me encouragement.  She’s the greatest!  And her last name just happens to be where we got the name for our oldest daughter, lol.  So since she is always there for me and my most loyal card customer, I thought she should have the first ever Stacey’s signs.  So this one is for her!   And she and her husband loved it.



Then I got a little braver and painted a background.  It has problems but I planned on distressing it and the great part about distressing is it sometimes camouflages your mistakes.   I made this one for my sister’s birthday, I hope she likes it, it will go perfect in her patriotic living room.


And since football is starting I made this for my father-in-law who is a die hard Cincinnati Bengals fan.  I gave him this this morning and considering he was taking pictures and sending them to all his family and friends who are Indianapolis Colts fans, I say he likes it.

And I have a new confidence for a old passion.  I see lots and lots of sign making in my future!!

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